[ANSWERED] Find a current (no more than 5 years old) Walden Library article about a nurse-led improvement or research project of interest to you

Last Updated on October 28, 2022 by Admin

Articles on Improvement and Research Project in Patient Safety and Quality
  • Find a current (no more than 5 years old) Walden Library article about a nurseled improvement or research project of interest to you.
  • Find an additional Walden Library article to support your scholarly opinions in the paper.

Assignment: 2–3-page paper

  • Begin by describing the nurseled improvement or research project found in the article. Include a short description of the purpose, method, and outcomes.
  • Evaluate how this project has the potential to improve quality and safety for patients.
  • What are at least two insights you gained from this project that enhance your personal professional goals?
  • Reference your selected articles in APA format.

Before you submit your final paper for grading, submit it to the Safe Assign Draft area of the course. Use the information provided in the Originality Report (Walden University, n.d.) to revise your paper. Paraphrasing and citing your sources in-text will decrease the similarity score. Go to Academic Integrity to learn how to interpret your originality score. Revise your paper before submitting it to Week 4 Assignment within the course.


Title of the Paper

This is your introductory paragraph designed to inform the reader of what you will cover in the paper. (BSN Students – Carefully follow your course-specific Grading Rubric concerning the content that is required for your assignment and the Academic Writing Expectations [AWE] level of your course.) This template’s formatting—Times New Roman 12-point font (other options include Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, and Georgia 11), double spacing, 1” margins, 1/2” indentations beginning of each paragraph, page numbers, and page breaks—is set for you, and you do not need to change it. Do not add any extra spaces between the heading and the text (you may want to check Spacing under Paragraph, and make sure settings are all set to “0”). The ideas in this paper should be in your own words and supported by credible outside evidence. Cite the author, year of publication, and page number, if necessary, per APA. The introductory paragraph should receive no specific heading because the first section functions as your paper’s introduction. Build this paragraph with the following elements:

  1. Briefly detail what has been said or done regarding the topic.
  2. Explain the problem with what has been said or done.
  3. Create a purpose statement (also commonly referred to as a thesis statement) as the last sentence of this paragraph: “The purpose of this paper is to describe…”.

Level 1 Heading (Name According to the Grading Rubric Required Content)

This text will be the beginning of the body of the paper. Even though this section has a new heading, make sure to connect this section to the previous one so the reader can follow along with the ideas and research presented. The first sentence, or topic sentence, in each paragraph should transition from the previous paragraph and summarize the main point in the paragraph. Make sure each paragraph addresses only one topic. When you see yourself drifting to another idea, make sure you break into a new paragraph. Avoid long paragraphs that are more than three-fourths of a page. Per our program recommendations, each paragraph should be at least 3-4 sentences in length and contain a topic sentence, evidence, analysis, and a conclusion or lead out sentence. See the MEAL plan (Main idea, Evidence, Analysis, and Lead out) in the Writing Center. In your paragraphs, synthesize your resources/readings into your own words and avoid using direct quotations. In the rare instances you do use a direct quotation of a historical nature from a source, the page or paragraph numbers are also included in the citation. For example, Leplante and Nolin (2014) described burnout as “a negative affective response occurring as result of chronic work stress” (p. 2). When you transition to a new idea, you should begin a new paragraph.

Another Level 1 Heading (Name According to the Grading Rubric Required Content)

Here is another Level 1 heading. Again, the topic sentence of this section should explain how this paragraph is related to or a result of what you discussed in the previous section. Consider using transitions between sentences to help readers see the connections between ideas.

Be sure to credit your source(s) in your paper using APA style. The APA Manual 7th edition and the Walden Writing Center are your best citation resources. Writing Center resources are available at https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/apa/citations. You must appropriately and correctly cite all works used in your document.

The following paragraph provides examples of in-text citation examples. According to Leplante (2019), employers cause burnout when employees are stressed by too much work. Or you might write and cite in this manner: Employers cause burnout when employees are stressed by too much work (Leplante, 2019). When paraphrasing, the author name and year of publication in citations is required by APA to direct the reader to a specific source in the reference list. Personal communications are not listed in the reference page but are noted in text as (S. Wall, personal communication, May 24, 2019). This should immediately follow the content of the interview. Also, go to

Another Level 1 Heading (Name According to the Grading Rubric Required Content)

APA can seem difficult to master, but following the general rules becomes easier with use. The Writing Center also offers numerous APA resources on its website and can answer your questions via email. Prior to submitting your paper for grading, submit your draft to SafeAssign Drafts found in the left column of your course.

And so forth until the conclusion….


The conclusion section should recap the major points of your paper. Do not introduce new ideas in this paragraph; the conclusion should interpret what you have written and what it means in the bigger picture.

Expert Answer and Explanation

Description of the Purpose of the Research Study

According to the research study carried out by Li et al. (2020), nurse-led improvements and early interventions have positive impacts on early detection and treatment of cancer thus improving the quality and safety of individual’s lives as well as improving the quality of the healthcare system. Quality healthcare is perceived as the ability of the healthcare system to achieve the desired medical outcomes for a patient while remaining consistent with the professional knowledge available within the healthcare systems. The primary purpose of the research study was to understand the impact of nurse-led interventions for early detection of cancer and other potential benefits that it may have to the patients and the healthcare systems.

Methods used in the Research Study

The research study incorporated a systematic review of previously done researches concerning the impact of nurse-led interventions as well as “meta-analysis of randomized controlled trails” (Li et al., 2020). The research also incorporates the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool to assess the eligibility, the quality of the methodological data collected, and the data analyzed.

Outcomes of the Study

The nurse-led intervention analyzed in the study include the education for the patients, patient reminders for frequent checkups, guidance and counselling, and patient navigation of their health conditions. It includes the different types of cancers such as those of the female reproductive system like cervical cancer and breast cancer. The outcomes of the study show that nurse-led interventions greatly improve the uptake of early clinical screening and checkups among patients. The subgroups analyzed showed that tests such as mammography and breast clinical examination improved while patient navigation helped improve the acceptance of colonoscopy among patients as compared to guidance and counselling. The nurse-led intervention also increased cancer awareness among patients and the general knowledge concerning the same, thus leading to early detection of cancer as well as easing successful treatment procedures.

Evaluation of the Potential of the Study to improve Quality and Safety for patients

Nurse-led interventions are a crucial part of early cancer detection and has positive impact in the overall healthcare system. When patients become aware of the common medical conditions, their detection through understanding the signs and symptoms, how to live with the diagnosed conditions, and the preventive measures, their quality of life is improved and promoted their physical and psychological safety. Nurse-led interventions are thus a tool necessary in the healthcare sector to improve lives of individuals and promote quality healthcare systems (Voogdt-Pruis et al, 2021). Also, the nurse-led interventions can also stretch into the home settings other than relying on the hospital facilities. This helps promote the efficiency of the medical systems while they easily achieve the desired medical outcomes for the patients.

Two Insights Gained from the Research Project to Enhance my Personal Professional Goal

There are several insights I have gained from the project that serve to enhance my professional goals. First, I have gained the knowledge that nurse-led interventions play an essential role in early detection of cancer as well as other chronic/lifestyle diseases such as coronary heart diseases. Secondly, evolution in the healthcare system is an inevitable process towards achieving quality in healthcare system. The gradual changes (evolution) in the health-care system should be geared towards improving the healthcare outcome and collectively promoting patient wellness and provider abilities.


Incorporating nurse-led interventions in the healthcare systems helps to improve the services provided in the healthcare systems and allow patients quality lives both physically and emotionally. Specifically, nurse-led interventions are a necessary evolution to promote quality of services offered to a patient and their safety. It is therefore prudent for any healthcare organization to invest heavily on nurse-led interventions as they serve to promote patient wellness and healthcare outcomes.


Li, C., Liu, Y., Xue, D., & Chan, C. (2020). Effects of nurse-led interventions on early detection of cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International journal of nursing studies110, 103684. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103684

Voogdt-Pruis, H. R., Vrijhoef, H. J., Beusmans, G. H., & Gorgels, A. P. (2021). Quality improvement of nurse-led aftercare to outpatients with coronary heart disease: report of a case study. International journal for quality in health care: journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care24(3), 286–292. https://doi.org/10.1093/intqhc/mzs002

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