[ANSWERED 2023] In this peer-to-peer cultural identi

Last Updated on January 17, 2023 by Admin

In this peer-to-peer cultural identity co-exploration essay of approximately 1000 words (+/- 100 words), excluding the cover page

Peer-to-peer Cultural Identity Co-exploration – Cultural Identity Co-exploration


  • Value: 20% of final grade

Learning Objectives:

  • build on Assignment 1: Cultural Identity Awareness Reflective Essay in collaboration with peer;
  • co-explore personal cultural identities and intersectionalities;
  • identify cultural competencies and areas for improvement; and
  • identify how to bring those competencies to future practice.


The purpose of this assignment is to assist students exploring cultural identities and intersectionalities in relation to the development of cultural humility and cultural competencies in counselling practices.

Assignment Overview, Preparing for the Conversation, and Instructions

In the first assignment, Cultural Identity Reflection Awareness, you considered your own cultural identities, social locations, and intersectionalities. Drawing on those reflections, you will have a conversation with one or two peers in your section. Please go into these conversations openly, with a stance of cultural humility and curiosity while remembering that your conversation partner is the expert on themselves and their cultural identities.

You will be cultural sources for each other as well as cultural co-learners. Make space for all cultural considerations including class, ability, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, Inidigeneity, age, religion/spirituality/non-affiliation, and any other identities that you would consider as cultural descriptions.

Although these conversations are not counselling conversations, please keep them private and confidential. You will meet in Zoom or another suitable online video-conferencing platform and include both audio and video if possible. Only record the conversations if you both agree and delete the recording after you have submitted your written assignment. You may make notes during the conversation and take pauses to help note reflections that may occur during the conversation.

Laying the foundation for the conversation

Prior to starting your assignment conversation, please discuss and use the Student Professionalism and Safety Agreement. Discuss the guidelines together to ensure respectful discourse. Ensure, as much as possible, that you are both in quiet spaces where you are unlikely to be interrupted or overheard. You are encouraged to be open and receptive to this conversation and to discuss the possibility of triggers arising and that you may stop the conversation at any time until you are ready to resume.

Watch Developing Self-Awareness and Guidelines for Self-Disclosure in Learning Activities. Well-being services (https://yorkvilleu-bc.janeapp.com/ are part of Student Services if you wanted to talk to a counsellor

  1. Each of you will take turns and share at least three of your cultural identities and at least one intersectionality. Describe some of the influences in your lives that contributed to those cultural identities. Share at least two things that you learned about yourself from the first assignment or two things that you had not considered about yourself prior to the Cultural Identity Reflection Awareness assignment.
  2. When you are listening, note any possible similar identities that you may have with each other as well as any identities that are different from each other. Make notes about what it was like for you as you heard your conversation partner’s identities and intersectionality(ies).
  3. Prepare at least five (5) possible questions that will help your conversational partner expand the identities and sectionality that they share with you. Note any questions that may arise as you listening. You may ask questions by taking back-and-forth turns or one of you may ask all your questions and then the other person will ask their questions.
  4. Discuss what it was like to learn more about each others’ identities and intersectionalities and note what felt comfortable and what may have been challenging.
  5. Discuss at least one thing that you learned from the conversation with your peer that will inform how you will approach counselling conversation with cultural identities in mind.

In this peer-to-peer cultural identi


In this peer-to-peer cultural identity co-exploration essay of approximately 1000 words (+/- 100 words), excluding the cover page and the reference list, complete these three sections.

  1. Conversation preparation and experience (25%)

(a) Discuss how you prepared for this conversation.
(b) What was it like for you to share your cultural identities and intersectionalities?
(c) What was it like for you to hear your conversation partner’s cultural identities and intersectionalities?
(d) How did you manage your responses to what your peer shared, both expected and unexpected?

You may utilize course sources and include at least two recent (last seven (7) years), peer-reviewed sources.

  1. Discuss what you identifed during and after the conversation that matched your understandings of cultural humility and cultural competency? Identify what you and your peer did to co-develop and collaborate on safety, respect, and trust in your conversation. (20%)

You may utilize course sources and include at least one recent (last seven (7) years), peer-reviewed source.

  1. Discuss at least three (3) specific areas that you would like to improve and that you have learned from this activity that will help inform your work with clients when considering their cultural identities and intersectionalities and to improve your cultural humility and cultural competency. Discuss how you will make these improvements. (40%).

You may utilize course sources and include at least three recent (last seven (7) years), peer-reviewed sources.


  • Required components: Title page and reference page(s)
  • Length of Assignment: The text body of paper (i.e., not including references, title page or abstract) should consist of approximately 1000 (+/- 100) words, (Times New Roman font size: 12)
  • Do not include an abstract, introduction, or conclusion.
  • Format: Please, format your assignment in Word (files with extension .doc or .docx)
  • References: A total minimum of six (6) recent (last seven (7) years), peer-reviewed sources and a maximum of 10.


These questions, adapted from https://counseling.online.wfu.edu/blog/10-diversity-questions-counselors-ask/, may be helpful in the conversations.


  1. What was your experience growing up in your family, and in what ways has this impacted your view of family and parenting today?
  2. If you have moved to Canada, what was your previous location or locations? What influenced your decision to come to Canada?
  3. Describe some traditions, celebrations, or rituals you and your family have.
  4. Have you ever been treated poorly because of your ethnicity, values, or beliefs? If so, in what ways?
  5. Although you may not have experienced this, what incorrect assumptions about you or your family have you experienced that has been hurtful to you or caused problems?
  6. What spiritual, religious, or non-affiliation beliefs are important to you and your family, and how do they impact day-to-day life?
  7. How does your culture influence your perspective on receiving counselling or mental health therapy?
  8. What do you do and who do you turn to for help when you or your family has needs or troubles?
  9. How does your culture help with coping from anxiety, sadness, or other challenges?
  10. What, if any, biases are you currently aware of and that might impact you as a counsellor? How are you planning on working on them?
  11. What questions might you have about this conversation?


Any sources used to support your Written Narrative should, of course, be cited using correct APA format. And although it can be a useful starting place to gather very general information, in order to later verify it with more substantial sources, no Wikipedia references will be accepted as scholarly citations. Here’s just one reason why:

Use the Yorkville University Library and the EBSCO tool for academic search. It is important to select credible sources for assignments. This resource will assist students in determining which sources are credible: https://my.yorkvilleu.ca/ask/credible-source-guide/

Submission Notes

Please do not email your submissions to your professor, either before or after the due date; all coursework should be submitted through the online course (Moodle).

  1. Please review the instructions for Submitting Turnitin Assignments found in Module 2 of the MACP Student Orientation.
  2. Please review the instructions for Reviewing Feedback in Turnitinfound in Module 2 of the MACP Student Orientation.
  3. The system will not allow you to resubmit after the due date. In the event of an emergency situation preventing you from submitting within this time frame, special permission must be obtained from your professor prior to the deadline. Documentation substantiating emergency is required. In such a circumstance, if the extension is granted, the professor will reopen the submission function for you on an individual basis.


The following rubric indicates those areas you should be focusing on in preparing your assignment, and how the professor will weigh these components relative to one another.

Criteria % of Assignment Grade
1. Conversation preparation and experience /25
2. Identification of cultural competencies and cultural humility before and during the conversation /20
3. Specific areas for improving cultural competencies and humility and actions for making these improvements /40
4. Compliance with APA-style formatting and writing quality (including use of Canadian English spelling) /15
TOTAL /100

Required Reading


Collins, S. (Ed.). (2018). Embracing cultural responsivity and social justice: Re-shaping professional identity in counselling psychology. Counselling Concepts.

  • Chapter 11

Articles & Online Content

Australian Psychological Society. (2013). Working with interpreters: A practice guide for psychologists. https://ausit.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/APS-Working-with-Interpreters-Practice-Guide-for-Psychologists_2013.pdf

DeAngelis, T. (2010). Found in translation. Monitor on Psychology, 41(2), 52–55. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=sso&db=pxh&AN=502552010-021&custid=s7439054

Fields, A. J. (2010). Multicultural research and practice: Theoretical issues and maximizing cultural exchange. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 41(3), 196–201. https://doi.org/ 10.1037/a0017938

Hall, G. N., Yip, T., & Zárate, M. A. (2016). On becoming multicultural in a monocultural research world: A conceptual approach to studying ethnocultural diversity. American Psychologist71(1), 40–51. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0039734

Lalonde, R. N., Cila, J., Lou, E., & Cribbie, R. A. (2015). Are we really that different from each other? The difficulties of focusing on similarities in cross-cultural research. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 21(4), 525–534.

The British Psychological Society. (2017). Working with interpreters: Guidelines for psychologists. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321213205

Wright, C. L. (2014). Ethical issues and potential solutions surrounding the use of spoken language interpreters in psychology. Ethics and Behavior, 24(3), 215–228. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=sso&db=pbh&AN=94856614&custid=s7439054

In this peer-to-peer cultural identi

Expert Answer and Explanation

Peer-To-Peer Cultural Identity Co-Exploration

Culture is a significant factor in counseling. Counsellors should be aware of clients’ culture when conducting cross-cultural services to ensure effective therapy. One of the ways to ensure effective cross-cultural therapy is by solving language barrier issues. Other ways include empathy and self-awareness about your own culture. A counsellor can identify a client’s culture through candid conversation. However, counsellors should ensure that conversation is done effectively to collect detailed data. This paper has explained how I prepared for a conversation and my experience with my peers’ cultures.

Section One: Conversation preparation and experience

The first activity I did when preparing for a conversation was determining the purpose of the conversation. One should be clear about why a conversation is going to take place. The purpose of the conversation should be clear because the conversation should be anchored around it (Bloom et al., 2019). Second, I identified the emotions linked to this conversation. Third, I identified a person I needed to converse with. Fourth, I identified a place where the conversation would occur. Lastly, I determined the right way the conversation should occur.

I feel good to share my cultural identities and intersectionalities. In my view, sharing my cultural identity will make other people know and respect my culture. I will also make people know my understanding of various issues when I share my intersectionalities. For instance, sharing my intersectionalities allows me to discuss women’s rights issues. I can make people understand what women in my race experience regarding injustice and inequalities. In summary, I believe that if I share my identity and intersectionalities with other people, they will respect and understand my culture more.

I also like to hear about other people’s cultural identities and intersectionalities. I want to be culturally competent and knowledgeable, and one of the ways I can achieve this is through listening to other people sharing their cultural identities and intersectionalities. Hearing other people talk about their cultural identities and intersectionalities allows me to reflect on my culture and identify similarities.

I used various skills to manage my peer’s responses. One of the skills I used is empathy. Empathy is one’s ability to understand another individual’s feelings and thoughts in a circumstance from their perspective rather than your own (Cooper et al., 2020). I understood my peer’s situations from their point of view. I used empathy components such as compassion, emotional, and cognitive skills.

Section Two

I identified a lot of things from my peer. According to Trung and Van (2020). Cultural identity is part of a person’s self-perception, identity, and self-conception. Cultural identity is related to religion, nationality, social class, sexual orientation, social group, or locality. I identified that my peer is White. I identified that responsibility in White ethnicity is not shared. For instance, if a person has a problem, the individual is responsible for solving their problems individually. In other words, I noted that White cultural identity is an individualistic culture.

Accountability in this culture is individualistic. The culture of the peer focuses independence and self-reliance. Being unique and independent is highly valued in this culture. The rights of individuals take precedence in this culture. The community of peer focuses on individual responsibility and function. I also identified that the peer is a catholic. Christmas day is one of my peer’s important events. After the conversation, I found that individualistic culture matches my understanding of the White culture.

One of the things we did collaborate on and co-develop on respect, safety, and trust is not pushing each other too far. We decided that we should not push each other too far. If one does not want to speak about some issues, he should be understood, and the question dropped. Another practice was note-taking. We agreed that we should take notes during the conversation. Note-taking helped us identify vital points of interest.

Third, we agreed that we must follow turn-taking rules. Turn-taking ensured that one person listened while another one talked (Haan et al., 2021). This practice ensured that we smoothly exchanged the roles of a speaker and listener in the conversation. We also agreed to avoid judging each other’s culture. We promised to remain objective. We ensured respect and safety by avoiding negativity, practicing politeness, and talking to each other and not about them.

Part Three: Areas to Improve

One of the things I need to improve to help inform my cross-culture counseling is empathy. Though I practiced empathy during the conversation, I noted that I still lack some skills to improve my perfection in practice. Another thing I need to improve on is cultural self-awareness. Lack of self-awareness is one of the major barriers to effective cross-cultural counseling.

According to Feize and Gonzalez (2018), counsellors should be aware of their own cultures, values, and beliefs to understand other people’s cultures. When a counsellor is not aware of their stereotypical beliefs and biased views about other cultures, they will most likely provide ineffective cross-counseling services, and many clients will drop out. A culturally aware counsellor can easily identify when they are wrong and conceptualize a client’s problem based on stereotypes and prejudice about a specific group.

A counselor with knowledge and a heightened sense of cultural self-awareness recognizes and acknowledges when their culture contradicts clients’. One of the things I need to learn in empathy is talking to clients, not about them. I also need to learn about clients’ body language and other non-verbal cues (Younas et al., 2020).

I will improve I can improve cultural self-awareness by getting training for global citizenship. Formal training will help me know many components. Training will help me improve my negotiation and communication skills. I will also learn about my culture. I will also improve my self-awareness by attending most of the events about my culture, such as festivals, food, traditional holidays, and religious events.

Celebrating diversity can help improve cultural acceptance, awareness, and literacy. Lastly, I will improve my self-awareness by paying attention to cultural differences. Differences in culture will help understand other people’s cultures and improve objectivity during counselling.


I prepared for the conversation by developing the purpose of the conversation, identifying emotions linked to this conversation, and identifying conversation partners and models. I felt good sharing and learning about my peer’s cultures. I felt as if I was in training. I managed peer response through empathy. During the conversation, I noted that my peer is a White and is individual. They independent and self-reliance in doing things. I need to improve in empathy and cultural self-awareness. I will improve in these areas through training and many other ways.


Bloom, D. L., Chapman, B. M., Wheeler, S. B., McGuire, K. P., Lee, C. N., Weinfurt, K., … & Hwang, E. S. (2019). Reframing the conversation about contralateral prophylactic mastectomy: Preparing women for postsurgical realities. Psycho‐Oncology, 28(2), 394-400. https://doi.org/10.1002/pon.4955

Cooper, D., Yap, K., & O’Brien, M. (2020). Mindfulness and empathy among counseling and psychotherapy professionals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mindfulness, 11(10), 2243-2257. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-020-01425-3

Feize, L., & Gonzalez, J. (2018). A model of cultural competency in social work as seen through the lens of self-awareness. Social Work Education, 37(4), 472-489. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2017.1423049

Haan, K. W., Riedl, C., & Woolley, A. (2021). Discovering where we excel: How inclusive turn-taking in conversation improves team performance. In Companion Publication of the 2021 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 278-283). https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3461615.3485417

Trung, N. S., & Van, V. H. (2020). Vietnamese Cultural Identity in the Process of International Integration. Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy, 4(6), 220-225. DOI: 10.36348/jaep.2020.v04i05.006

Younas, A., Rasheed, S. P., Sundus, A., & Inayat, S. (2020). Nurses’ perspectives of self‐awareness in nursing practice: A descriptive qualitative study. Nursing & Health Sciences, 22(2), 398-405. https://doi.org/10.1111/nhs.12671

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