[SOLVED 2023] Can you imagine an athlete deciding to run a marathon without training for the event? Most ambitious people who have set this goal will follow a specific training plan

Last Updated on February 28, 2024 by Admin

Can you imagine an athlete deciding to run a marathon without training for the event?

Can you imagine an athlete deciding to run a marathon without training for the event? Most ambitious people who have set this goal will follow a specific training plan

Assignment 2: Study Plan

Can you imagine an athlete deciding to run a marathon without training for the event? Most ambitious people who have set this goal will follow a specific training plan that will allow them to feel confident and prepared on the big day. Similarly, if you want to feel confident and prepared for your certification exam, you should create and follow a plan that will thoroughly prepare you for success.

In this Assignment, you will review the study plan that you developed in NRNP 6665, and revise your plan as necessary, which will serve as the road map for you to follow to attain your certification.

To Prepare

  • Reflect on the study plan you created in NRNP 6665. Did you accomplish your SMART goals? What areas of focus still present opportunities for growth?

The Assignment

  • Revise your study plan summarizing your current strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • Develop 3–4 new SMART goals for this quarter and the tasks you need to complete to accomplish each goal. Include a timetable for accomplishing them and a description of how you will measure your progress.
  • Describe resources you would use to accomplish your goals and tasks, such as ways to participate in a study group or review course, mnemonics and other mental strategies, and print or online resources you could use to study.


Study Plan

First Goal

The first goal is to gain experience on how to make and maintain therapeutic relationships and professional boundaries with clients and my fellow workmates by the end of the practicum. PMHPs are required to show high professional image and ensure that they are in a healthy therapeutic relationship with their clients for them to be objective in their practice.

Professional boundaries and therapeutic relationships are vital because they improve patients’ trust in nurses and make PMHPs conduct their roles in an objective manner. Currently, I have a weakness of maintaining my emotions when communicating with clients, and this can jeopardize patients’ trust in my skills to handle their problems.

Tasks to achieve the goal. I will complete this goal by practicing techniques that can be used to improve healthy therapeutic relationships, such as never judging the client, managing own emotions, and communicating effectively with clients during therapy. Working alongside my supervisor while assessing and treating patients.

Measuring of the goal. The objective will be assessed by evaluating documentations recorded in the Meditrek Patient logs

Second Goal

The second goal is to develop experience to help me collaborate other healthcare professionals including doctors, social workers, and other specialists to improve clinical practice in psychiatric health settings. Interporfessional collaboration is vital to provision of quality and safe care to patients. I need to learn techniques that can help me improve my relationship with other healthcare professionals when treating my patients.

According to Reeves et al. (2017), interprofessional collaboration can reduce medical errors because it strengthens communication between nurses and other professionals. Interprofessional collaboration can also improve patient satisfaction because promote safe and quality care. I need to improve my knowledge in this skills during my time in the practicum.

Tasks to achieve the goal. I will complete this goal by working with other healthcare professionals, such as doctors, social workers, and counselors when treating patients, I am provided during the practicum.

Measuring of the goal. The objective will be assessed by evaluating documentations recorded in the Meditrek Patient logs.

Third Goal

The third objective is to document recommendations for mental health problems during patient consultations when applicable. Documenting patient data accurately is vital because it can help improve communication between nurses and other healthcare professionals involved. For instance, counselors can clearly understand the health of patient refereed to them only when patient data has been well documented.

Tasks to achieve the goal. I will complete this goal by using electronic health records to gather, analysis, and store patient data for future use. Documenting patient information in soap note formats.

Measuring of goal. The objective will be assessed by evaluating the information documented in the Meditrek patient logs to determine whether they need professional needs.


I will need a lot of resources to achieve the three goals I have highlighted above. One of the resources I will need is course material. The material will help me gain theoretical knowledge about mental health. I will also need online reading materials for further reading. I will also need field practicum experience to achieve my goals. I will need to meet more than 50 patients during the practicum. Another vital resource is course professor and preceptor. They will help me develop many skills.


Number of Clinical Hours Projected for Week Number of Weekly Hours for Professional Development Number of Weekly Hours for Practicum Coursework
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Total Hours (must meet the following requirements) 144 or 160 Hours





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Definition of SMART Goals:

SMART goals are a framework for goal-setting that emphasizes specific criteria to enhance the likelihood of goal achievement. The acronym SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This means that when setting goals, they should be clear, quantifiable, realistic, aligned with broader objectives, and have a defined timeframe for completion.

Importance in Personal and Professional Settings:

Clarity and Focus:

SMART goals provide clarity, helping individuals and organizations define precisely what they want to achieve. This clarity fosters focus and directs efforts toward specific outcomes.

Measurability and Accountability:

The emphasis on measurability ensures that progress can be tracked and assessed. This not only allows for accountability but also provides motivation as individuals can see tangible advancements.

Achievability and Realism:

The criteria of attainability ensure that goals are realistic and feasible within given constraints. This prevents the setting of overly ambitious or unattainable objectives, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Relevance to Larger Objectives:

The requirement for relevance ensures that goals align with broader personal or organizational objectives. This alignment enhances the overall effectiveness and impact of the goals.

Time Management:

The inclusion of time-bound criteria instills a sense of urgency and encourages effective time management. Having deadlines helps prevent procrastination and keeps individuals or teams on track.

Enhanced Decision-Making:

SMART goals provide a structured approach to decision-making. When faced with choices, individuals or organizations can assess options based on their alignment with SMART criteria.

Historical Context of SMART Goals:

The concept of SMART goals is believed to have originated in the early 1980s. While the exact origin is somewhat unclear, the framework is often attributed to George T. Doran, who introduced the SMART criteria in a paper titled “There’s a S.M.A.R.T. Way to Write Management’s Goals and Objectives” published in the November 1981 issue of Management Review.

Since then, SMART goals have become widely adopted in various fields, including business, education, and personal development. The simplicity and effectiveness of the SMART framework have contributed to its enduring popularity as a tool for setting and achieving objectives. Over the years, it has evolved and been adapted to suit different contexts, making it a versatile and enduring approach to goal-setting.

Understanding the SMART Acronym:

  1. Specificity:
    • Narrowing Down Objectives: Specificity in SMART goals involves clearly defining what needs to be accomplished. It’s about narrowing down objectives to avoid ambiguity and provide a precise target.
    • Clear and Concise Definition: Instead of vague aspirations, specific goals answer the questions of who, what, where, when, and why. They leave no room for interpretation, ensuring everyone understands the exact nature of the goal.
  2. Measurability:
    • Quantifiable Metrics: Measurability involves attaching concrete metrics to goals. It’s about making goals tangible and quantifiable, so progress can be tracked and assessed.
    • Tracking Progress Effectively: Measurable goals provide a clear indication of progress. Whether it’s a percentage, a numerical value, or another metric, it allows for objective evaluation and adjustments as needed.
  3. Achievability:
    • Realistic Goal Setting: Achievability ensures that goals are realistic and attainable within the given constraints. It prevents setting objectives that are either too ambitious or too easy.
    • Balancing Challenges and Capabilities: SMART goals strike a balance between pushing individuals or teams to stretch their capabilities while ensuring that success is within reach. This balance fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivation.
  4. Relevance:
    • Aligning Goals with Larger Objectives: Relevant goals contribute directly to broader objectives, ensuring that efforts are focused on what truly matters in the larger context.
    • Ensuring Meaningful Contributions: Relevance goes beyond mere alignment; it ensures that the goals contribute meaningfully to the overall mission or purpose. This connection adds significance to the pursuit of objectives.
  5. Time-Bound:
    • Setting Definite Timeframes: Time-bound goals have specific deadlines. This element introduces a sense of urgency and prevents goals from lingering indefinitely.
    • Enhancing Accountability: Having a timeframe enhances accountability. It provides a clear point for evaluation and prompts individuals or teams to manage their time effectively to meet deadlines.

In summary, understanding the SMART acronym involves appreciating the importance of:

  • Specificity in narrowing down objectives.
  • Measurability through quantifiable metrics.
  • Achievability in setting realistic goals.
  • Relevance by aligning goals with larger objectives.
  • Time-Bound by setting definite timeframes.

Benefits of Implementing SMART Goals

  1. Improved Clarity in Decision Making:
    • Setting SMART goals provides a clear framework for decision-making. With specific, measurable, and relevant objectives, individuals and teams have a solid foundation for evaluating choices and determining the best course of action.
  2. Increased Motivation and Engagement:
    • SMART goals create a sense of purpose and direction. When individuals know exactly what they need to achieve and can measure their progress, it boosts motivation. Clear objectives foster a higher level of engagement as people understand the significance of their contributions.
  3. Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity:
    • SMART goals help in prioritizing tasks and focusing efforts on what truly matters. By providing a roadmap with specific targets and deadlines, individuals can allocate their time and resources more efficiently. This leads to increased productivity as energy is directed toward goal attainment.
  4. Better Evaluation of Progress:
    • The measurable aspect of SMART goals allows for objective evaluation of progress. Whether through quantitative metrics or specific milestones, individuals and teams can assess how far they’ve come and make informed decisions on adjustments or improvements.

Applying SMART Goals in Different Contexts

  1. Professional Development:
    • Specific: Define specific skills or competencies you want to develop. For example, “Enhance project management skills by completing an advanced certification.”
    • Measurable: Set measurable milestones, like “Complete three relevant courses within the next six months.”
    • Achievable: Ensure the goals align with your career path and are realistic given your current commitments.
    • Relevant: Connect your professional development goals to your career aspirations and the needs of your current or desired role.
    • Time-Bound: Establish deadlines for each milestone, such as “Finish Course A within two months.”
  2. Personal Growth:
    • Specific: Identify specific aspects of personal growth, like “Improve emotional intelligence.”
    • Measurable: Use quantifiable indicators, such as “Practice mindfulness for 10 minutes daily.”
    • Achievable: Set realistic goals that challenge you without overwhelming your current capacity for personal development.
    • Relevant: Align personal growth goals with your values and long-term objectives.
    • Time-Bound: Define a timeframe, like “Achieve a 10% improvement in emotional intelligence within three months.”
  3. Project Management:
    • Specific: Clearly outline project objectives, tasks, and responsibilities. For instance, “Launch a new marketing campaign.”
    • Measurable: Set quantifiable targets, such as “Increase website traffic by 20% within three months.”
    • Achievable: Ensure project goals are realistic based on available resources and team capabilities.
    • Relevant: Align project goals with overall business objectives and the needs of stakeholders.
    • Time-Bound: Establish specific deadlines for each phase, like “Complete campaign planning by the end of the first month.”
  4. Business Planning:
    • Specific: Clearly define business objectives, such as “Expand product line to target a new market segment.”
    • Measurable: Use concrete metrics, like “Achieve a 15% market share increase within one year.”
    • Achievable: Ensure business goals are feasible based on financial and operational considerations.
    • Relevant: Align business goals with the company’s mission, vision, and long-term strategy.
    • Time-Bound: Set clear deadlines for key milestones, like “Launch new products by the end of the second quarter.”

Challenges in Implementing SMART Goals

  1. Unrealistic Expectations:
    • Description: One common challenge is setting goals that are overly ambitious or unrealistic. Unrealistic expectations can lead to frustration, demotivation, and a higher likelihood of failure.
    • Mitigation: Ensure that goals are based on a realistic assessment of resources, capabilities, and timeframes. Regularly review and adjust goals as needed to maintain a balance between challenge and achievability.
  2. Lack of Flexibility:
    • Description: Rigidity in adhering strictly to initial goals without considering external factors or changing circumstances can impede progress. A lack of flexibility may hinder adaptation to unforeseen challenges or opportunities.
    • Mitigation: Build flexibility into the goal-setting process. Allow for adjustments based on changing conditions, and periodically reassess goals to ensure they remain relevant and achievable.
  3. Inadequate Planning:
    • Description: Goals without a detailed and well-thought-out plan may lack the necessary steps for successful execution. Poor planning can lead to confusion, delays, or failure to meet objectives.
    • Mitigation: Invest time in thorough planning, breaking down goals into actionable steps. Develop a timeline, allocate resources, and identify potential obstacles. A comprehensive plan provides a roadmap for achieving the desired outcomes.

Case Studies: Success Stories with SMART Goals

Individual Achievements:

  1. Professional Advancement through SMART Goals:
    • Challenge: A marketing professional wanted to advance their career but felt overwhelmed by the broad goal of career development.
    • SMART Goals Solution: They adopted SMART goals, specifying skills to enhance, measurable milestones, and a realistic timeframe.
    • Outcome: Completed relevant courses, earned certifications, and secured a promotion within the planned timeline.
  2. Weight Loss Journey with SMART Goals:
    • Challenge: A person struggled with weight management and lacked a clear plan for improvement.
    • SMART Goals Solution: Set specific weight loss targets, measurable through calorie tracking, achievable through a balanced diet, and time-bound with weekly progress check-ins.
    • Outcome: Lost 20 pounds within the set timeframe, leading to improved health and increased confidence.

Organizational Triumphs:

  1. Product Launch Success:
    • Challenge: A tech company faced challenges in launching a new product without a clear strategy.
    • SMART Goals Solution: Developed SMART goals for product development, marketing, and sales, specifying milestones, metrics, and deadlines.
    • Outcome: Successfully launched the product, exceeding sales targets by 30% within the expected timeframe.
  2. Customer Service Excellence:
    • Challenge: A service-oriented business aimed to enhance customer satisfaction but lacked a structured approach.
    • SMART Goals Solution: Defined specific customer service improvements, set measurable benchmarks, ensured achievability within existing resources, and set a timeframe for implementation.
    • Outcome: Achieved a 20% increase in customer satisfaction scores within six months through focused improvements in response time and issue resolution.

Tips for Effectively Setting SMART Goals

  1. Collaborative Goal Setting:
    • Explanation: Involve relevant stakeholders or team members in the goal-setting process. Collaborative goal setting ensures alignment with broader objectives and incorporates diverse perspectives.
    • Implementation: Schedule goal-setting sessions, encourage open communication, and consider input from those directly involved in or affected by the goals.
  2. Periodic Review and Reflection:
    • Explanation: Regularly review and reflect on progress to ensure goals remain relevant and achievable. This helps in identifying adjustments or additional actions needed for success.
    • Implementation: Set aside time for periodic reviews, conduct assessments of progress, and reflect on what has been achieved and what might need modification.
  3. Seeking Feedback:
    • Explanation: Actively seek feedback from peers, mentors, or supervisors during the goal-setting process. External input provides valuable insights and helps in refining goals.
    • Implementation: Share your goals with trusted individuals, request constructive feedback, and be open to suggestions for improvement. This external perspective can enhance the quality of your goals.
  4. Break Down Larger Goals:
    • Explanation: Break down larger, complex goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes the goals more achievable and allows for incremental progress.
    • Implementation: Identify key components of a larger goal, set milestones for each component, and create a timeline for completion. This step-by-step approach makes the overall goal less daunting.
  5. Prioritize Goals:
    • Explanation: Prioritize goals based on their importance and impact. This ensures that resources and efforts are directed toward the most critical objectives.
    • Implementation: Use criteria such as urgency, significance, and alignment with broader objectives to prioritize goals. This helps in focusing energy on what matters most.
  6. Be Adaptable:
    • Explanation: Remain flexible and open to adjustments. External factors or changes in circumstances may necessitate modifications to goals for continued relevance.
    • Implementation: Accept that flexibility is a key component of effective goal setting. Be willing to adapt and make necessary changes based on evolving situations.
  7. Celebrate Achievements:
    • Explanation: Acknowledge and celebrate milestones and achievements along the way. Recognizing progress boosts morale and motivation.
    • Implementation: Establish a system for celebrating accomplishments, whether through team recognition, personal rewards, or other forms of positive reinforcement.

The Future of Goal Setting: Evolving Beyond SMART

  1. Integrating Emotional Intelligence:
    • Rationale: As the workplace evolves, there is an increasing recognition of the role of emotional intelligence in goal attainment. Understanding and managing emotions, both individually and collectively, can profoundly impact performance and collaboration.
    • Implementation: Future goal-setting methodologies may incorporate emotional intelligence assessments, fostering self-awareness, empathy, and better interpersonal relationships. Goals could be designed not just around tasks but also around personal and team well-being.
  2. Agile Goal Setting:
    • Rationale: In a rapidly changing world, traditional static goal-setting may become less effective. Agile methodologies, borrowed from software development and project management, offer a more adaptive and responsive approach to goal setting.
    • Implementation: Agile goal setting involves breaking down larger goals into smaller, achievable tasks with shorter timelines. Regular reassessment and adjustments are made based on feedback and changing circumstances. This methodology allows for increased flexibility and responsiveness to evolving priorities.
  3. Data-Driven Goal Setting:
    • Rationale: With the rise of big data and advanced analytics, the future of goal setting may involve leveraging data to inform and optimize objectives. Data-driven insights can enhance decision-making and provide a more nuanced understanding of progress and challenges.
    • Implementation: Utilizing key performance indicators (KPIs), predictive analytics, and real-time data, organizations and individuals can make informed decisions and dynamically adjust goals based on empirical evidence.
  4. Human-Centric Approaches:
    • Rationale: Recognizing the importance of well-being and work-life balance, future goal-setting methodologies may prioritize human-centric approaches. Goals may not only focus on professional achievements but also on personal development and overall life satisfaction.
    • Implementation: Incorporating elements like mindfulness, self-care, and personalized growth plans into goal setting can contribute to a more holistic and sustainable approach.
  5. Collaborative and Inclusive Goal Setting:
    • Rationale: The future of goal setting may emphasize collaboration and inclusivity, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and collective intelligence.
    • Implementation: Inclusive goal-setting processes involve gathering input from various stakeholders, promoting a sense of ownership, and ensuring that goals reflect a broader understanding of success. This approach fosters a more supportive and collaborative work environment.
  6. Continuous Learning and Development:
    • Rationale: Rapid technological advancements and changes in the job market require continuous learning and development. Future goal-setting approaches may prioritize ongoing skill development and adaptability.
    • Implementation: Goals may involve regular learning milestones, skill assessments, and opportunities for professional development. This ensures that individuals and organizations stay ahead in a constantly evolving landscape.

Common Misconceptions About SMART Goals

  1. Rigidity of the Framework:
    • Misconception: Some individuals perceive the SMART framework as overly rigid and limiting, thinking that it imposes strict guidelines that stifle creativity and flexibility.
    • Clarification: While SMART goals provide a structured approach, they are not meant to be inflexible. The framework offers a foundation for clarity and accountability, but there’s room for adaptability. Periodic reviews and adjustments can be made to ensure goals remain relevant in changing circumstances.
  2. Lack of Creativity:
    • Misconception: Critics argue that the specificity and structure of SMART goals may hinder creativity, suggesting that the emphasis on measurable and attainable objectives may limit innovative thinking.
    • Clarification: SMART goals and creativity are not mutually exclusive. The framework encourages thoughtful planning and precision, but it doesn’t negate the importance of innovative thinking. In fact, creative solutions can be integrated into the goal-setting process while maintaining a clear and measurable direction.

Can you imagine an athlete deciding to run a marathon without training for the event? Most ambitious people who have set this goal will follow a specific training plan

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